About Truth & Knowledge
Truth & Knowledge will help you connect to your "true self" that inner source that is available to you at every moment of every day. Most of us have at least one thing in our lives we would like to change.
Personal transformation is a change in the way you feel about yourself and subsequently the world. Personal transformation is sometimes called personal development, personal growth or spiritual transformation.
Personal transformation can happen in many ways. In Romans 12:2 it says. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will.
There are several different types of personal
transformations. The transformations can be professional, spiritual, physical,
emotional or mental. These different types of personal transformations
generally include goals, plans, and actions to achieve the transformation.
Examples of personal transformation goals, Increasing your self-awareness,
Denying your fleshly desires, Enhancing your self-knowledge, Shaping your
identity, Developing your strong points and talents, Identifying your
potential, Bettering your quality of life, Achieving your dreams or goals.
You will begin to experience more freedom, joy, happiness, abundance, success, and prosperity then you could ever imagine. I've seen this happen in my life, and in the lives and others. Many people let fear stop them from taking action because they are afraid of making a mistake.
This perfection mind-set paralyzes
you from creating the life of your dreams. This is where Coach Trey Knowles aka
Truth & Knowledge can help you move beyond your fears and help you start
making positive changes in your life.
There are no mistakes, just opportunities to learn, grow and expand. This is
why we are all here! If you're not growing, you are dying. It is not what we
experience as a failure in our lives, but the action of not taking that
opportunity to change that failure to a right.
Crossing sides from the wrong way of living to the right way (the path God has for you). Let's start by making positive changes.
As your Personal Spiritual Transformation Coach, I will give you support in discovering the person you are meant to be in this lifetime. We will help you emerge, come forth and grow in this world spiritually with the help of the Lord.