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Monday, September 26, 2022

Is Satan Behind Your Social Media Platform or Is It You?

September 26, 2022

Is Satan Behind Your Social Media Platform or Is It You?

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)

I believe that social media can be an effective platform for the spread of the gospel. There are plenty of Christ-centered resources in the online community that can be used daily to help people grow spiritually. 

But if we’re honest, we probably spend a small portion of our time advancing our spiritual growth, while the rest is spent on aimless scrolling. 

We spend hours a day consuming endless information, pictures, and videos without any safeguard for our minds. For Christians, I’ve found that this is dangerous territory. This potentially turns the mind into an open plain, with Satan prowling through the grass like a lion, waiting to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Note: Time for me to make changes. 

The danger of social media turns into Idolatry. Relationships are important and shallow relationships are ok. There is no way people can have 5,000 friends on Facebook unless they are a celebrity or the president, I consider this to be a lie. Relationships make friends not numbers.

If you are a woman who always shows skin in your photos don't ask me to be your friend. I will not feed into your narcissistic behavior.

Can Social Media Platforms lead to Idolatry? Yes, I think so. It is called Narcissistic Mirroring. Most people on Social Media Platforms are looking for constant praise. Always checking their likes. 

Praising each other for being self-centered in this virtual audience with no validity. Over posting can be a sign Self-Glorification. For some odd reason, social media is creating self-obsession maniacs. Photos after photos videos after videos saying look at me give me praises.