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Friday, January 27, 2023

Everything Begins Now

January 27, 2023

Everything begins now. This is my journey. We don’t look back, we look forward. What do I look forward to? This question could be a mystery.

Why a mystery? Living on earth it's a mystery, but I look forward to the advent of Christ. This is my hope.

Living on earth is a mystery it totally impossible to understand. There was a time I thought I understood it, but I didn’t. All I saw were images of false idols and false living, learned behavior from television programs, and false perceptions taught to me from the world’s point of view.

At that point, I thought I understood the world because I became just as it was blind, at that time. I was really born into sin. Who is there to teach me? Who is there to save me? At that point in my life, I became a sleepwalker.

What is a sleepwalker? A person walking around that is not consciously aware of their sinful behavior. The direction of miss guidance. What am I learning in a school other than learning how to be a taxpayer?

As a kid, I knew nothing, without love there is nothing. I mean the true meaning of love. No one knows anything if not taught the foundation of love. It does not matter if Mother and Father are present. If Mother and Father don't know what love is, how can it be taught? If schools not teaching what love is, and the world is teaching that love equals sex. Then there is a problem.

At that time what was good for me became bad for me. The happiness of the world was lust. Love equals sex. A Hollywood tail of lies. What are we chasing in this world? There got to be more to life than money and sex which is not love but pleasure. The Idols of Hollywood gave me these lies. Age six, thirteen, twenty-one, thirty-three.

Who is there to save me, who is there to rescue me, I am lost. I am not dead yet. It is not too late. Is there somebody out there who is willing to show me the truth? God. Who became my Father in heaven. Teach me, Lord. I will accept, I will listen.

For the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son whom he receives. God’s chastening is, at its core, His treatment of us as His children. For the first time in my life, I am being taught, and loved, guided by something that cannot be replaced once you have it. That is the love of the Lord my God Jesus Christ. He saved me, He saved me from death, with his life, and gave me his character and showed me grace.

What do I look forward to? Living for Jesus. Idolizing Jesus, Following Jesus. Everything begins now. This is my journey. We don’t look back, we look forward.

Sincerely Trey Knowles


What Are You Being Exposed To?

January 27, 2023

Have you ever wondered what is wrong with your government? 

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; Psalm 1:1  

Tobacco and alcohol use and abuse is witchcraft, sorcery from manufacturing companies who produce products of mind control witch craft of destruction. Increasing media messages and images is direct advertising, they are normalizing and glamorizing the use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs. This is like the Garden of Eve where Satan tempted Eve. We see that tricks still continue with deception.

Tobacco manufacturers spend $6 billion per year and alcohol manufacturers $2 billion per year to entice youngsters into consuming their products. Content analysis has found that alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs are present in 70% of prime-time network dramatic programs and half of all music videos.

 The prominence of alcohol in prime-time television applies to all characters, including adolescents, where negative characteristics are often applied. However, many adults shown to consume alcohol have positive personality characteristics. Popular movies, frequently shown during the “family hour”, often show the lead or likable characters using and enjoying tobacco and alcohol products. In addition to programming, children and adolescents view approximately 20,000 advertisements each year, of which nearly 2,000 are for beer and wine. 

For every public service announcement, adolescents will view 25–50 beer commercials. Research indicates that the combined 8 billion dollars that the tobacco and alcohol industries use every year to pitch their product to the American public has a significant impact on adolescents' beliefs and attitudes about smoking and drinking and may influence their consumption as well. 

Correlation studies have shown a small but positive relationship between advertising exposure and consumption. Furthermore, advertising exposure appears to influence initial drinking episodes which in turn contribute to excessive drinking and abuse. The evidence, however, of increased consumption, is strongest regarding cigarette advertising and promotions. A recent longitudinal study found that an estimated one-third of all adolescent smoking could be causally related to tobacco promotional activities. Your Government doesn’t care and why. Comedy and Public Speaker Trey Knowles explains why in his allegory comedy C-SPAN TV.


Stand-Up Comedy by Trey Knowles

Truth & Knowledge

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Protect Your Mind From Television

January 22, 2023

 Television Violence and Aggressive Behavior:

Young people view over 1000 rapes, murders, armed robberies, and assaults every year sitting in front of the television set or playing video games. Recently published, the three-year, National Television Violence Study examined nearly 10,000 hours of television programming and found that 61% contained violence. 

Trey Knowles

Children's programming was found to be the most violent. In addition, 26% (of the 61%) involved the use of guns. Portrayals of violence are usually glamorized and perpetrators often go unpunished. Another venue in which a significant amount of violence is portrayed is in rock music videos and Rap music, which are viewed heavily by adolescents. 

In a comprehensive content analysis of these music videos, DuRant et al showed that 22.4% of all rap videos contained violent acts, and weapon carrying was depicted in 25% of them.

Numerous studies, including longitudinal research, have shown a relationship between children's exposure to violence and their own violent and aggressive behaviors. Many studies have documented the role of television in fostering violent behaviors among children. Two recent meta-analyses investigating the relation between violence viewed on television and aggressive behavior in children concluded that exposure to portrayals of violence on television was associated consistently with children's aggressive behaviors.

This why Trey Knowles's Oratorical Message We Are Charging You With A Hate Crime is very important to watch. Love does not delight in evil. We must protect our mind's from what is evil.

Trey Knowles

Thursday, January 19, 2023


January 19, 2023

Sanctification is God’s will for us to be set apart from sin. 

(1 Thessalonians 4;3).

For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; 

For God has not called us for impurity but in holiness.

Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.

Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another.

 The word sanctification is related to the word saint; both words have to do with holiness. To “sanctify” something is to set it apart for special use; to “sanctify” a person is to make him holy. Be devoted to God.

Disconnect from sin: To live a sanctified life, you must disconnect from sin. Sin will never go on its own. If you don't rise up against it, it won't go. You can wait from now till eternity for sin to go; but until you rise up against it, it won't. This is because it is determined to destroy your destiny.