Television Violence and Aggressive Behavior:
Young people view over 1000 rapes, murders, armed robberies, and assaults every year sitting in front of the television set or playing video games. Recently published, the three-year, National Television Violence Study examined nearly 10,000 hours of television programming and found that 61% contained violence.
Children's programming was found to be the most violent. In addition, 26% (of the 61%) involved the use of guns. Portrayals of violence are usually glamorized and perpetrators often go unpunished. Another venue in which a significant amount of violence is portrayed is in rock music videos and Rap music, which are viewed heavily by adolescents.
In a comprehensive content analysis of these music videos, DuRant et al showed that 22.4% of all rap videos contained violent acts, and weapon carrying was depicted in 25% of them.
Numerous studies, including longitudinal research, have shown a relationship between children's exposure to violence and their own violent and aggressive behaviors. Many studies have documented the role of television in fostering violent behaviors among children. Two recent meta-analyses investigating the relation between violence viewed on television and aggressive behavior in children concluded that exposure to portrayals of violence on television was associated consistently with children's aggressive behaviors.
This why Trey Knowles's Oratorical Message We Are Charging You With A Hate Crime is very important to watch. Love does not delight in evil. We must protect our mind's from what is evil.