Language Translator

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Song: I Got Growth


Many years ago black Americans struggled financially and were treated unfairly and brutally forced into slavery, today things have changed. There is no forced slavery there is voluntary slavery based on the desires of people's hearts.

The Slave Masters are the lawmakers and owners of companies who get rich by offering worldly nonsense. The slave masters of today operate like a devil. The same devil tempting Jesus in the wilderness. Some people are blind they will take what the devil is offering, Putting themselves in voluntary slavery.

A Slave should not want to be like his slave master, especially if the slave master is wicked in his ways and actions. Yesterday, and now today. Trey Knowles, I Got Growth comes to light despite all the evil that comes our way, with the confusion of not knowing who we are. When our eyes are wide open we notice we are no longer in bondage by sin, with its masters. We are free by Jesus our savior, walking in the promised land and not wandering around the wilderness wishing to have the privileges of the pharaoh, the world slave master.

When you do not know who you are, the enemy influences you with all types of evil (programming your mind), so that you will be cursed. Just imagine the devil telling your slave master I will give you the world if you bow down and worship me. Jesus rebuked the Devil, but your Slave Master did not and said yes to the Devil.

Now the Slave Master is trying to make you want, what he wants. Never forget what God has done. He freed us from Egypt into the promise of Jesus Christ. Leave the world and its ways behind and trust God because everything is free, the earth belongs to the Lord God and you belong to the Lord our God also. I Got Growth, I hope now you see the light.